Results for 'Hunter A. Johnson'

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  1.  41
    Vapnik–Chervonenkis Density on Indiscernible Sequences, Stability, and the Maximum Property.Hunter Johnson - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (4):583-593.
    This paper presents some finite combinatorics of set systems with applications to model theory, particularly the study of dependent theories. There are two main results. First, we give a way of producing lower bounds on $\mathrm {VC}_{\mathrm {ind}}$-density and use it to compute the exact $\mathrm {VC}_{\mathrm {ind}}$-density of polynomial inequalities and a variety of geometric set families. The main technical tool used is the notion of a maximum set system, which we juxtapose to indiscernibles. In the second part of (...)
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    dp-Rank and Forbidden Configurations.Hunter Johnson - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (1):1-13.
    A theory $T$ is shown to have an ICT pattern of depth $k$ in $n$ variables iff it interprets some $k$ -maximum VC class in $n$ parameters.
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  3. Rasselas a Tale.Samuel Johnson & John Hunter - 1865 - Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green.
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    Neural correlates of the behavioral-autonomic interaction response to potentially threatening stimuli.Tom F. D. Farrow, Naomi K. Johnson, Michael D. Hunter, Anthony T. Barker, Iain D. Wilkinson & Peter W. R. Woodruff - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  5. Learning incommensurate concepts.Hayley Clatterbuck & Hunter Gentry - 2025 - Synthese 205 (3):1-36.
    A central task of developmental psychology and philosophy of science is to show how humans learn radically new concepts. Famously, Fodor has argued that such learning is impossible if concepts have definitional structure and all learning is hypothesis testing. We present several learning processes that can generate novel concepts. They yield transformations of the fundamental feature space, generating new similarity structures which can underlie conceptual change. This framework provides a tractable, empiricist-friendly account that unifies and shores up various strands of (...)
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    Joseph Russo.William Austin, Jonathan Clark, Emily Erickson, Judith P. Hallett & Kimberly Hunter - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (4):576-577.
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  7. Moral Epistemology Naturalized, Canadian Journal of Philosophy (supp.) 26.Richmond Campbell & Bruce Hunter (eds.) - 2000 - Calgary, AB: University of Calgary Press.
    A traditional task of epistemology is to establish and defend systematic standards that must be met in order for us to have knowledge or justified beliefs. A "naturalized epistemology" tries to arrive at such standards through an empirical investigation into how we interact with our fellows and the world around us, what we seek in these activities, and the particular ways in which we can and cannot succeed. This approach is a radical departure from tradition because its means of investigation (...)
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    Law and Politics in British Colonial Thought: Transpositions of Empire.Shaunnagh Dorsett & Ian Hunter (eds.) - 2010 - Palgrave MacMillan.
    A collection that focuses on the role of European law in colonial contexts and engages with recent treatments of this theme in known works written largely from within the framework of postcolonial studies, which implicitly discuss colonial deployments of European law and politics via the concept of ideology.
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    (1 other version)The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies.Susan Ashbrook Harvey & David G. Hunter (eds.) - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    A wide-ranging collection of authoritative accounts covering all major areas of current research in Early Christian studies by a distinguished team of international authors. It is thematically arranged to encompass the inter-disciplinary nature of the field, examining history, literature, thought, practices, and material culture.
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  10. 11 the frame of reference.Lacan Poe & Derrida Barbara Johnson - 1981 - In Robert Young, Untying the text: a post-structuralist reader. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
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    Internet e-ethics in confrontation with an activists' agenda: Yahoo! On trial. [REVIEW]Marc Le Menestrel, Mark Hunter & Henri-Claude de Bettignies - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1-2):135-144.
    A prolonged confrontation between Yahoo! Inc. and French activists who demand the removal of Nazi items from auction sites as well as restricted access to neo-Nazis sites is described and analyzed. We present the case up to the decision of Yahoo! Inc. to remove the items from following a French court's verdict against the firm. Using a business ethics approach, we distinguish legal, technical, philosophical and managerial issues involved in the case and their management by Yahoo! We conclude on (...)
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  12. Ineffability and Religious Experience.Guy Bennett-Hunter - 2014 - Brookfield, Vermont: Routledge.
    Ineffability—that which cannot be explained in words—lies at the heart of the Christian mystical tradition. It has also been part of every discussion of religious experience since the early twentieth century. Despite this centrality, ineffability is a concept that has largely been ignored by philosophers of religion. In this book, Bennett-Hunter builds on the recent work of David E. Cooper, who argues that the meaning of life can only be understood in terms of an ineffable source on which life (...)
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  13. Aristotle’s Empiricism: experience and mechanics in the 4th century BC by Jean De Groot. [REVIEW]Monte Ransome Johnson - 2015 - Ancient Philosophy 35 (1):220-230.
    According to a generally held impression, which has coalesced out of centuries of misinterpretation occasioned mostly by misguided charitable commentary, but often by outright hostility to his followers (and occasionally deliberate misrepresentation of his ideas), Aristotle is a teleological (as opposed to “mechanistic”) philosopher, responsible for a “qualitative” (as opposed to quantitative) approach to physics that is thereby inadequately mathematical, whose metaphysical speculations, as absorbing as they continue to be even for contemporary and otherwise ahistorical analytical metaphysicians, are essentially devoid (...)
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  14. Rival Enlightenments: Civil and Metaphysical Philosophy in Early Modern Germany.Ian Hunter - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Rival Enlightenments, first published in 2001, is a major reinterpretation of early modern German intellectual history. Ian Hunter approaches philosophical doctrines as ways of fashioning personae for envisaged historical circumstances, here of confessional conflict and political desacralization. He treats the civil philosophy of Pufendorf and Thomasius and the metaphysical philosophy of Leibniz and Kant as rival intellectual cultures or paideiai, thereby challenging all histories premised on Kant's supposed reconciliation and transcendence of the field. This study reveals the extraordinary historical (...)
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  15. Constructing Embodied Emotion with Language: Moebius Syndrome and Face-Based Emotion Recognition Revisited.Hunter Gentry - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Some embodied theories of concepts state that concepts are represented in a sensorimotor manner, typically via simulation in sensorimotor cortices. Fred Adams (2010) has advanced an empirical argument against embodied concepts reasoning as follows. If concepts are embodied, then patients with certain sensorimotor impairments should perform worse on categorization tasks involving those concepts. Adams cites a study with Moebius Syndrome patients that shows typical categorization performance in face-based emotion recognition. Adams concludes that their typical performance shows that embodiment is false. (...)
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  16. Alienated Belief.David Hunter - 2011 - Dialectica 65 (2):221-240.
    This paper argues that it is possible to knowingly believe something while judging that one ought not to believe it and (so) viewing the belief as manifesting a sort of failure. I offer examples showing that such ‘alienated belief’ has several potential sources. I contrast alienated belief with self-deception, incontinent (or akratic) belief and half-belief. I argue that the possibility of alienated belief is compatible with the so-called ‘transparency’ of first-person reflection on belief, and that the descriptive and expressive difficulties (...)
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  17. Jordan Peterson the counter-revolutionary: Marxism, Postmodern Neo-Marxism, and suffering.Hunter Baker - 2020 - In Ron Dart, Myth and meaning in Jordan Peterson: a Christian perspective. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.
  18.  8
    Blaise Pascal.Graeme Hunter - 2002 - In Steven M. Nadler, A Companion to Early Modern Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 96–112.
    This chapter contains section titled: Pascal: The Life Afterlife of Pascal: His Influence.
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    Callimachus Aetia. 2 vols. 1: Introduction, Text, and Translation. 2: Commentary by Annette Harder.Richard Hunter - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 107 (2):275-277.
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    Early Sources for Confucius.Michael Hunter - 2017 - In Paul Rakita Goldin, A Concise Companion to Confucius. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 13–34.
    No discussion of Kongzi's 孔子 life, thought, or importance in the ancient Chinese context can proceed without first confronting two basic problems: (1) what are the earliest sources for Kongzi, and (2) which, if any, of these sources can be relied on for accurate information about him? This essay explores each question in turn, ultimately arguing that early sources for “Kongzi” do not sustain the search for the historical Kongzi.
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    Gynaikon Katalogos und Megalai Ehoiai : Ein Kommentar zu den Fragmenten zweier hesiodeischer Epen (review).R. L. Hunter - 2006 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 99 (2):201-202.
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  22. The view from the grey zone : Czeckoslovak underground journals as testimonies of alternative historical narratives.Lucie Hunter - 2025 - In James Griffith, Stories and Memories, Memories and Histories: A Cross-disciplinary Volume on Time, Narrativity, and Identity. Leiden: Brill.
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  23. Divine Ineffability.Guy Bennett-Hunter - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (7):489-500.
    Though largely neglected by philosophers, the concept of ineffability is integral to the Christian mystical tradition, and has been part of almost every philosophical discussion of religious experience since the early twentieth century. After a brief introduction, this article surveys the most important discussions of divine ineffability, observing that the literature presents two mutually reinforcing obstacles to a coherent account of the concept, creating the impression that philosophical reflection on the subject had reached an impasse. The article goes on to (...)
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    Book Symposium: David W. Johnson, Watsuji on Nature.David W. Johnson, Bernard Stevens, Augustin Berque, Hideki Mine & Hans Peter Liederbach - 2021 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 6:133–215.
    [Open access] In this book symposium the author takes up questions from phenomenology, hermeneutics, ethical theory, and intellectual history raised by a group of scholarly interlocutors from a range of backgrounds. In the course of engaging with these issues, he discusses, inter alia, McDowell’s realism, Jonathon Lear’s work on the end of a world, Michael Oakeshott’s view of selfhood, Heidegger’s conception of Jemeinigkeit, Uexküll’s notion of Umwelt, and Gadamer’s hermeneutic conception of truth.
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  25. The history of theory.Ian Hunter - 2006 - Critical Inquiry 33 (1):78-112.
    Do you see now why it feels so good to be a critical mind? Why critique, this most ambiguous pharmakon, has become such a potent euphoric drug? You are always right! When naïve believers are clinging forcefully to their objects... you can turn all of those attachments into so many fetishes and humiliate all the believers by showing that it is nothing but their own projection, that you, yes you alone, can see. But as soon as naïve believers are thus (...)
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  26. The Nature of Belief.David Hunter - forthcoming - In Eric Schwitzgebel & Jonathan Jong, What is Belief? Oxford University Press.
    Philosophical accounts of the nature of belief, at least in the western tradition, are framed in large part by two ideas. One is that believing is a form of representing. The other is that a belief plays a causal role when a person acts on it. The standard picture of belief as a mental entity with representational properties and causal powers merges these two ideas. We are to think of beliefs as things that are true or false and that interact (...)
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  27. Lacking, needing, and wanting.David Hunter - 2023 - Analytic Philosophy 64 (2):143-160.
    I offer a novel conception of the nature of wanting. According to it, wanting is lacking something one needs. Lacking is not a normative notion but needing is, and that is how goodness figures in to wanting. What a thing needs derives from what it is to be a good thing of its kind. In people, wanting is connected to both knowledge and the will. A person can know that she wants something and can act on that knowledge. When she (...)
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  28. The history of philosophy and the persona of the philosopher.Ian Hunter - 2007 - Modern Intellectual History 4 (3):571-600.
    Although history is the pre-eminent part of the gallant sciences, philosophers advise against it from fear that it might completely destroy the kingdom of darkness—that is, scholastic philosophy—which previously has been wrongly held to be a necessary instrument of theology.
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  29. Davidson on Practical Knowledge.David Hunter - 2015 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 3 (9).
    Did Donald Davidson agree with G.E.M. Anscombe that action requires a distinctive form of agential awareness? The answer is No, at least according to the standard interpretation of Davidson’s account of action. A careful study of Davidson’s early writings, however, reveals a much more subtle conception of the role of agential belief in action. While the role of the general belief in Davidson’s theory is familiar and has been much discussed, virtually no attention has been paid to the singular belief. (...)
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  30. Kant's religion and Prussian religious policy.Ian Hunter - 2005 - Modern Intellectual History 2 (1):1-27.
    Since Dilthey’s template study of 1890, the Prussian state’s attempt to censor Kant’s religious writings has typically been seen as the work of a reactionary politics bent on imposing religious orthodoxy as a bulwark against the spread of Aufklärung. This paper offers a revisionist interpretation, arguing that the attempted censoring was a by-product of a set of a longstanding Religionspolitik designed to achieve religious toleration through a system of regulated public confessions. Reaffirmed in the Religious Edict (1788) and the Censorship (...)
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  31. Ineffability: Reply to Professors Metz and Cooper.Guy Bennett-Hunter - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1267–1287.
    In the first two sections of this reply article, I provide a brief introduction to the topic of ineffability and a summary of Ineffability and Religious Experience. This is followed, in section 3, by some reflections in reply to the response articles by Professors Metz and Cooper. Section 4 presents some concluding remarks on the future of philosophy of religion in the light of the most recent philosophical work on ineffability.
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    Narrative, Literature, and the Clinical Exercise of Practical Reason.K. M. Hunter - 1996 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 21 (3):303-320.
    Although science supplies medicine's “gold standard,” knowledge exercised in the care of patients is, like moral knowing, a matter of narrative, practical reason. Physicians draw on case narrative to store experience and to apply and qualify the general rules of medical science. Literature aids in this activity by stimulating moral imagination and by requiring its readers to engage in the retrospective construction of a situated, subjective account of events. Narrative truths are provisional, uncertain, derived from narrators whose standpoints are always (...)
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    Wittgensteinian Quasi-Fideism and Interreligious Communication.Guy Bennett-Hunter - 2019 - In Gorazd Andrejč & Daniel H. Weiss, Interpreting Interreligious Relations with Wittgenstein: Philosophy, Theology, and Religious Studies. Leiden: Brill. pp. 157–173.
    In this essay, I draw out some implications of a position called “Wittgensteinian Quasi-Fideism” for the theory and practice of interreligious communication. After setting out the main tenets of that position, I articulate what its theoretical and practical implications in this area would be if it were true. I thereby sketch a new, Wittgensteinian model of interreligious communication, concluding with a number of suggestions as to some points of focus for further work in this area.
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  34. Over-the-Counter Oral Contraceptives in the Context of State Abortion Bans.Hunter Jackson Smith, Jake Earl & Elizabeth Lanphier - 2024 - Journal of General Internal Medicine 39:1236–1238.
    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued its first approval of an oral contraceptive medication for access without a clinician’s prescription. One might expect this will lead to fewer people seeking to terminate unplanned pregnancies, including in states that imposed severe restrictions on abortion care following the Supreme Court’s reversal on abortion rights in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Despite the clear potential health benefits, increased accessibility of oral contraceptives offers no real solution to ongoing threats to patients’ (...)
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  35. Transitional gradation and the distinction between episodic and semantic memory.Hunter Gentry & Cameron Buckner - 2024 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 379 (1913).
    In this article, we explore various arguments against the traditional distinction between episodic and semantic memory based on the metaphysical phenomenon of transitional gradation. Transitional gradation occurs when two candidate kinds A and B grade into one another along a continuum according to their characteristic properties. We review two kinds of arguments—from the gradual semanticization of episodic memories as they are consolidated, and from the composition of episodic memories during storage and recall from semantic memories—that predict the proliferation of such (...)
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  36. Soames and widescopism.David Hunter - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 123 (3):231 - 241.
    Widescopism, as I call it, holds that names are synonymous with descriptions that are required to take wide scope over modal adverbs. Scott Soames has recently argued that Widescopism is false. He identifies an argument that is valid but which, he claims, a defender of Widescopism must say has true premises and a false conclusion. I argue, first, that a defender of Widescopism need not in fact say that the target arguments conclusion is false. Soames argument that she must confuses, (...)
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    Introduction.Hunter Heyck & David Kaiser - 2010 - Isis 101 (2):362-366.
    ABSTRACT Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Cold War looks ever more like a slice of history rather than a contemporary reality. During those same twenty years, scholarship on science, technology, and the state during the Cold War era has expanded dramatically. Building on major studies of physics in the American context—often couched in terms of “big science”—recent work has broached scientific efforts in other domains as well, scrutinizing Cold War scholarship in increasingly international and comparative (...)
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  38. Counterfactuals and newcomb's paradox.Daniel Hunter & Reed Richter - 1978 - Synthese 39 (2):249 - 261.
    In their development of causal decision theory, Allan Gibbard and William Harper advocate a particular method for calculating the expected utility of an action, a method based upon the probabilities of certain counterfactuals. Gibbard and Harper then employ their method to support a two-box solution to Newcomb’s paradox. This paper argues against some of Gibbard and Harper’s key claims concerning the truth-values and probabilities of counterfactuals involved in expected utility calculations, thereby disputing their analysis of Newcomb’s Paradox. If we are (...)
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    Proportional ethical review and the identification of ethical issues.D. Hunter - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (4):241-245.
    Presently, there is a movement in the UK research governance framework towards what is referred to as proportional ethical review. Proportional ethical review is the notion that the level of ethical review and scrutiny given to a research project ought to reflect the level of ethical risk represented by that project. Relatively innocuous research should receive relatively minimal review and relatively risky research should receive intense scrutiny. Although conceptually attractive, the notion of proportional review depends on the possibility of effectively (...)
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    Model theory and machine learning.Hunter Chase & James Freitag - 2019 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 25 (3):319-332.
    About 25 years ago, it came to light that a single combinatorial property determines both an important dividing line in model theory and machine learning. The following years saw a fruitful exchange of ideas between PAC-learning and the model theory of NIP structures. In this article, we point out a new and similar connection between model theory and machine learning, this time developing a correspondence between stability and learnability in various settings of online learning. In particular, this gives many new (...)
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    The Roles of Research Ethics Committees: Implications for Membership.David Hunter - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (1):24-26.
    In this brief paper I intend to make some distinctions between the activities that research ethics committees are required to undertake as part of their role in protecting research participants. These functions are, identifying ethical issues and risks within research projects, providing advice on how to resolve these issues and risks without compromising the validity of the research and finally, when this cannot be achieved, deciding whether the research should still be allowed to go ahead. Distinguishing these distinct functions allows (...)
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    Plato's Symposium.Richard Hunter - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Oxford Approaches to Classical Literature (Series Editors: Kathleen Coleman and Richard Rutherford) introduces individual works of Greek and Latin literature to readers who are approaching them for the first time. Each volume sets the work in its literary and historical context, and aims to offer a balanced and engaging assessment of its content, artistry, and purpose. A brief survey of the influence of the work upon subsequent generations is included to demonstrate its enduring relevance and power. All quotations from the (...)
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    The metaphysics of responsible believing.David Hunter - 2018 - Manuscrito 41 (4):255-285.
    Contemporary philosophy of mind has tended to make the believer disappear. In response, Matt Boyle and Pamela Hieronymi have argued that believing is an act or activity, not a mental state. I argue that this response fails to fully critique contemporary accounts of believing. Such accounts assume that states of believing are particulars; with semantic properties; that we attend to in reflection and act on in inference; and with a rich causal life of their own. Together, these assumptions leave no (...)
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    Alchemy, magic and moralism in the thought of Robert Boyle.Michael Hunter - 1990 - British Journal for the History of Science 23 (4):387-410.
    At some point during the last two years of his life, Robert Boyle dictated to his friend, Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury, some notes on major events and themes in his career. Some of the information he divulged in these memoranda has become quite widely known because Burnet used it in the funeral sermon for Boyle that he delivered a month after his death, at St Martin's in the Fields on 7 January 1692. In addition, these notes were cited several (...)
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    How Standard is Standardized MNC Global Environmental Communication?Trevor Hunter & Pratima Bansal - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (2):135-147.
    In this paper, we develop an argument to show why we expect that multinational companies will ensure that they communicate credibly about their environmental responsibility, across all their subsidiaries. Credible environmental communication helps to increase the firm’s legitimacy and reduce its liability of foreignness on an issue that is globally relevant. We develop a measure to test if there is a standardized level of environmental communication credibility on the country-specific web sites of MNC subsidiaries around the world and find, in (...)
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    ‘Short on Heroics’: Jason in the Argonautica.R. L. Hunter - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (2):436-453.
    ‘Jason…chosen leader because his superior declines the honour, subordinate to his comrades, except once, in every trial of strength, skill, or courage, a great warrior only with the help of magical charms, jealous of honour but incapable of asserting it, passive in the face of crisis, timid and confused before trouble, tearful at insult, easily despondent, gracefully treacherous in his dealings with the love-sick Medea but cowering before her later threats and curses, coldly efficient in the time-serving murder of an (...)
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    Structured contexts and anaphoric dependencies.Julie Hunter - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (1):35-58.
    Sensitivity to the extra-linguistic context, as exhibited by indexical and demonstrative expressions, and sensitivity to the linguistic context, as exhibited by, for example, anaphoric uses of third person pronouns, are regularly regarded as different and independent phenomena. The data on indexicals, demonstratives, and third person pronouns, however, call for a more unified notion of context and of context sensitivity. This paper aims to develop such a unified picture by generalizing the notion of anaphora to encompass extra-linguistic context dependency and generalizing (...)
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    The Mythos, Ethos, and Pathos of the Humanities.Ian Hunter - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (1):1-26.
    Summary Justifications of the humanities often employ a mythos that exceeds their historical dispositions and reach. This applies to justifications that appeal to an ?idea? of the humanities grounded in the cultivation of reason for its own sake. But the same problem affects more recent accounts that seek to shatter this idea by admitting an ?event? capable of dissolving and refounding the humanities in ?being?. In offering a sketch of the emergence of the modern humanities from early modern humanism, the (...)
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  49. Science and the Good: The Tragic Quest for the Foundations of Morality.James Davison Hunter & Paul Nedelisky - 2018 - [West Conshohocken, PA]: Yale University Press. Edited by Paul Nedelisky.
    _Why efforts to create a scientific basis of morality are doomed to fail_ In this illuminating book, James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky recount the centuries-long, passionate quest to discover a scientific foundation for morality. The "new moral science" led by such figures as E.O. Wilson, Patricia Churchland and Joshua Greene is only the newest manifestation of an effort that has failed repeatedly. Though claims for its accomplishments are often wildly exaggerated, this new iteration has been no more successful (...)
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    The Lost Papers of Robert Boyle.Michael Hunter & Lawrence M. Principe - 2003 - Annals of Science 60 (3):269-311.
    Although the volume of the surviving papers of Robert Boyle is substantial (over 20,000 leaves), a considerable amount of the written material left by Boyle at his death in 1691 has not survived in the Boyle archive. This paper gauges the scale and identity of these losses using the surviving inventories made by the Rev. Henry Miles in the 1740s when he was collecting and sorting Boyle's literary remains in conjunction with Thomas Birch's preparation of his 1744 Life and Works (...)
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